Coburg Beach, Ontario


I was born and raised in the Philippines and every summer we made sure that we spend a day or two at the beach. Thus when my family moved here in Canada we made sure that summer won’t be complete without a day at the beach.

Just an hour drive from Toronto, we visited Coburg Beach during their Sandcastle Festival. This is their 11th Annual Sandcastle Festival and as expected their were a lot of visitors during that day.

The beach itself is very well maintained, staffs go  around a lot to pick up litter, lifeguards
(supplied by Northumberland YMCA) and security are visible. There are washrooms and change room, 2 playgrounds available incase your kids don’t like the beach,splash pad, foot bath area and fenced basketball court.

Before heading down to the beach we stopped by KFC and brought our lunch, we packed our mats and umbrella and settled ourselves  enjoying the sun and water. The kids had a great time in the waters building their own sandcastle and admiring the seagulls around.

It was another great road trip for us.


Coburg Tourism:
How to go there: Map

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